Friday, July 13, 2012

Cradle of Love

Cradle of Love is an organization that takes care of children 0-3 years old that have lost one or both parents. Usually it is because the mother dies in childbirth and the father cannot take care of the baby while still going to work. Sometimes the babies lose both parents and an uncle or grandparent takes them in, otherwise they are passed along to another orphanage at age 3. 

There are currently 8 small babies in the nursery and about 35 toddlers in the main building. There are not enough staff to help truly care for them all. The toddlers cry at your feet wanting to be held and aching for attention. It is very sad, and I have to admit it's quite depressing. You hold these little ones in your arms and you can't help but wonder what kind of life is ahead of them. Your heart aches wishing you could do something, but you aren't quite sure where to even begin.

This is JUSTIN.
And this is her twin sister PRICKET.
This is KAREEM. He reminds me so much of our little Squiggles (Jaxon).
There are so many, and we wish we could take them all home with us.

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